As Nigerians, there are a lot of things we face daily and then…there’s Lagos TRAFFIC! Something every resident can relate to. It greets you going to work, welcomes you back home, escorts you to your interviews and tags along with you to weddings. Come rain or shine, dark or light, traffic is just always there with you.
A classic feature of Lagos traffic is that it tends to create a suitable atmosphere for unpleasant events. To avoid or reduce these risks, here are a few safety tips you can follow while stuck in traffic especially as it gets dark, whether using your private vehicle or public transport service:
1.Keep all handbags, laptop bags and anything of value to you out of sight: The less items you have visible, the less attractive your car seems to people with bad intentions. Car trunks and under car seats seem to create perfect hiding spots for items.

2.Avoid making use of phones, laptops, headsets or earphones. The light from your phone could make it very noticeable and attractive to thieves posing as hawkers causing unnecessary attention. Also, this could pose a very dangerous distraction while behind the wheel.

3.As much as you may feel the need to get fresh air, never wind down your window too low as this makes it easier for malicious individuals to pilfer or snatch your belongings from outside. Avoid using headsets or earphones; This could also alert preying eyes that you are indeed connected to a mobile device even if they can’t see it, they know you are listening to something.

4.Make sure you have at least half a tank of fuel always. Traffic sometimes can last hours and the last thing you want, is getting stopped on the road because your car fuel finished. You’ll have to worry about begging for help to push or tow your car.

5.In the unfortunate event that your car breaks down, don’t step out standing alone. Be cautious about standing outside alone for too long. Ensure that someone you trust is with you to avoid appearing vulnerable.

Feel free to share any other safety tips to abide by in traffic. Remember, it is better safe than sorry.