In our quest to continually adapt to these changing times, we seek more innovative ways to make life easier. This would include the decrease in the number of times our fingers hover over the keyboard.

According to a recent survey, of all the Microsoft Office applications used by the working population, Microsoft Word has been found to be the most used software. Thus, in a bid to simplify things, check out the A – Z of keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl/CMD + A- to highlight all text on the document
Ctrl/CMD + B- to make text bold
Ctrl/CMD + C -to copy
Ctrl/CMD + D- to open the font preferences window
Ctrl/CMD + E – aligns selected text to the center of screen
Ctrl/CMD + F- opens the ‘find’ box
Ctrl/CMD + H- opens the ‘find’ box and replace
Ctrl/CMD + I -to italicize highlighted text selection
Ctrl/CMD + J- to justify selected text
Ctrl/CMD + K- to insert text hyperlink
Ctrl/CMD + L- aligns text selection to the left part of the screen
Ctrl/CMD + N- opens a new untitled document
Ctrl/CMD + O- opens an existing document
Ctrl/CMD + P- prints the current document
Ctrl/CMD + R- aligns text selection to right side of the screen
Ctrl/CMD + S- saves the document you are working on
Ctrl/CMD + T- adjusts Tabs
Ctrl/CMD + U- underlines text selection
Ctrl/CMD + V – pastes copied text selection
Ctrl/CMD + X – cut selected text
Ctrl/CMD + Y- Redo any Undo action
Ctrl/CMD + Z- Undo any action
Be sure to comment your favourite shortcut and what new shortcut you learned today!